Welcome to WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com’s official e-book outline as promised.
As stated on our home page, our main objective is to get the essential tools, systems and life building skills to the masses on a global level for free. This free e-book outline is the first major step in our journey to creating a better world together. Please keep in mind that it was meant to be as brief as possible while still providing enough information for people to get an idea of what WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com is about and give you somewhat of a preview of what is to come. The full e-book will be filled with many how-to examples, detailed plans, explanations and supporting content along with systems designed to help you and your family have a better quality of life for free. Enjoy!
This outline is a brief overview of what is to come in the actual ‘full e-book/book’ and we will refer to it as ‘Our Book’ for the remainder of this outline.
The purpose of our book is to help people become more aware of what ‘we’ need to do as individuals, families, businesses and communities in order to create the type of world most of us would like to live in and more importantly, help create and connect you to the systems that will help you to accomplish this.
As an example, by helping you to have better quality relationships and interactions with your children, spouses, partners, bosses, friends, colleagues and the people you come in contact with on a regular basis, the quality of your lives will have the potential to improve significantly. There are certain basic, life building skills that should be taught as a standard of practice in every community and this should be offered free with more complex issues offered at a minimal cost. This is only one example of what WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com will help bring to the world.
Our Mission Statement
It is our mission to develop, promote and encourage ideas and actions that will help us to actually build a significantly better world, a world created by us, the masses, the majority of the people on this planet. We as a world community have the capability to alter the current course of our future for the better.
The purpose of our website www.WorldbyWe.com is to provide information from around the world wide web in the form of websites, articles, videos and links that are relevant to our mission statement. As we progress, we will be providing step-by-step solutions to many of the problems that we as individuals, families, communities and society in general are facing in our daily lives. Your input is greatly appreciated and is an important part of our development.
Please be patient. Change takes time. We are committed to creating a better world and we invite you to participate. You will make a positive difference with your involvement. Now is the opportunity for you to help and truly make a real difference.
Raymond B. Johnson
– Founder/President/CEO and Project developer of WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com
Chapter 1 – The most important thing in life
Many seem to think that the key to our survival as a species is technology. Technology has its benefits, but technology alone is quite limited as we have proven over time, in fact, it may have brought us as many problems as it has solutions. The greatest evolution of our times will be the social evolution. Improving the way that we treat each other and communicate with each other can only enhance our progress in all areas of our development.
Adaptability is something that is essential to any being’s survival. Somehow, we’ve become numb to that fact. One of the main problems is that what we do on a daily basis as individuals and as families is somewhat disconnected from the needs of the world as a whole in terms of our adaptability. If a major global crisis were to happen, most people would default to focusing on themselves and not the global importance of adapting to the situation as a collective whole. This is largely because we haven’t been properly prepared to act in a way that would be beneficial to helping the world to adapt and survive. If the alarm bells aren’t going off when you read that sentence it is a testament as to just how disconnected we really are.
Think about this: If we can’t adapt as a species we will die off. End of family, end of job, end of dreams and end of life as we know it. Therefore I suggest that the next and possibly the first universal theme that should be spread, taught, learned and practiced is adaptability. How can we become more adaptable as a species and how can we get this theme uploaded into people’s daily lives? If there was ever a universal theme that could connect us all adaptability is a great start as it is something that is relevant to all of us and our lives are greatly impacted by and dependent upon it.
So what exactly would that look like and where would we begin? At the beginning of course. First we start by getting the message out by showing people real world examples of how being more adaptable can help them in their daily lives as individuals, families, communities and businesses etc. Then we paint a picture of the global vision of how becoming more adaptable is an investment into not only our own individual future, but also as a planet to help us to ensure that we continue to actually have a future.
Then we start from the ground up to help build the foundation of what is to be the first phase of becoming more adaptable. That is helping families to function better together. That involves teaching them how to manage their own lives better (habits and disciplines, money management and investing, communication, understanding the family as a unit and much more), how to teach their children better and more effectively and the list goes on until families are eventually able to build families that are less dependent and actually bring more to the table than what they take. The ultimate outcome would be an abundance of interdependent, contributing families that are able to not just survive, but thrive and at their best, help others to do the same. This is how we create true abundance in the world and make it available to the masses.
We will help to build families that understand firstly, the theme of adaptability that affects and connects all of us globally and secondly, the role that they, as individuals and as families play as contributing human beings and members of the most important race, the human race. Our ultimate goal and vision at WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com is to start by creating tools, services and systems that will facilitate this end for free or at the least, with minimal cost to you.
Stronger, less dependent and ultimately contributing families will result in stronger, less dependent and ultimately better communities. Can you see how this could turn out when people around the world are equipped with the essential knowledge and tools that help them to become more adaptable? As a result of that, they will be in a better position to become more caring, capable, connected, creative contributors of a world that works better for the majority. After all, we reap what we sew, so let’s invest in our development and share in the global harvest.
This is the very first phase of what WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com is in the process of bringing to fruition. There are many more phases to create and develop but every journey taken starts with the first step. If what you’ve read so far sounds intriguing, please help to support our initiative. Your participation is both appreciated and important. Click here to get more information on how to help us to ultimately help you. Welcome to WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com, where win-win is the standard.
Chapter 2 – The first steps
The following is a rough example of some of the content that our book will be based on.
If indeed we are to significantly improve our quality of life both locally and globally, it is obvious that we will need a well thought out and action oriented plan to do so. We believe without a shadow of a doubt, that this is quite possible and we at WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com will layout a step-by-step blueprint to accomplish this in our book.
Both the local (national) and global (international) systems that we currently have in place are in dire need of a major overhaul. The systems that we have in place are not working very well for most of us, the masses, the majority of the people around the world. Many people feel powerless to make any kind of real difference or change in the world and many are just living paycheck to paycheck hoping that one day things will get better.
We were told that if we went to school and got an education it would open the doors for us to get a good job, have a good life and we could retire in comfort if we play are cards right. There was some truth to that but we all know that this is a best case scenario. What about the rest of us? How are things working out for the average people these days? And what about the people that managed to obtained the best case scenarios, became reasonably well-off, maybe even became millionaires and reached some or most their dreams and goals? Many of them still struggle with money/debt issues, family issues, relationship problems, depression, anxiety and the list goes on. The suicides continue, the wars continue, the debts continue and it looks like things are not slowing down and this is quite prevalent in the news and social media 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
What I’m trying to say is that we are missing a few pieces of the puzzle. When we as a world can’t even keep from destroying ourselves and our environment to the point where our future existence is being threatened it’s time to get real and at least acknowledge that there is something very wrong here. Unfortunately, the world around us is what it is and it is important for us to understand where we are first before we move forward.
The Systems
The systems that we have in place today have brought us to where we are today and it is important to have respect for that. Regardless of those systems, the events in our lives that have taken place, all the drama, the problems and struggles in our daily lives and everything else that is happening and has happened in the world, there is one thing that needs to be made very clear above all of that which is; We need to start focusing on two of the most important things that allow us to still be here which are self-preservation and becoming adaptable. The self-preservation that I am referring to is in regards to the people of earth and all of the living things and systems that help to support us.
Moving forward, the next significant questions we should be asking ourselves if we are truly looking to make things better is what do we do next, what can we do and how will we do it? Enter WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com and you the participants.
By working together with us at WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com, you will have the opportunity to witness and take part in creating a global shift in how we view our world, our countries, our communities and even our own families. This necessary shift will involve us creating the necessary systems to teach us how to do the things we need to do in order to create a truly better world. Change both locally and globally doesn’t happen by chance, it is developed over time, just as the limp systems that we currently have in place today have developed over time.
It is up to us to create, cultivate and nurture systems that will help guide us and keep us on track. Regardless of how disconnected we are as a world today, we can and will create the necessary systems and connections for us to have a significantly better world. If it is to be it is up to ‘WE’.
If asked what type of life would we prefer to live, I’m quite certain that most people if given the chance would be happy to just live a simple, peaceful and fun life with their families and friends without the constant struggle of relationships problems, money problems, job loss and global instability. Most want to be able to provide some sort of security for their families, stay connected with their family and friends and from time to time experience some of the beautiful pleasures life has to offer with them.
So instead of the above scenario, why are we as a world community still continuing down the path of constant struggle and knocking on the door of self-extinction? The most likely answer is because that’s what we’re used to doing, and like Dr. Phil says, “How is that working out for you?”.
We, at WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com are both committed and dedicated to developing, promoting and encouraging ideas and actions that will help us to actually build a significantly better world. Our ultimate goal is to help develop the systems and content that help us to adapt better and overcome our struggles, bad patterns and addictions and we would like to teach others to do the same. That result will help develop our world successfully to the point where we will be able to make as sure as humanly possible, that we as a species will be around for many more years to come. We are dedicated to helping ensure that we continue to evolve in ways that will help us to live a better quality of life, function better as a global community and take our species to levels of existence beyond anything previously imagined possible.
Creating this type of change will not be an easy process by any means. There are many complicated and dysfunctional systems in place that are hindering our progress. Keep in mind that progress is no longer an option it is necessary for our survival. Please read that sentence over and over. This is one of the most important things to ‘get’‘ from this outline. We are at a stage of existence where our problems are potentially greater than our solutions. We have no one to blame for this but ourselves because to this date, we have failed as a world to create enough solution oriented, willing and capable people to find and carry out the necessary solutions we need in order to have a successful, long term future that works for the majority of the world and not just the few.
Having the solutions is one thing but creating people willing and capable enough to carry out these solutions is a different matter. What we know we should do and what we actually do quite often ends up being different. Creating people that actually do what they say they are going to do in itself would be a significant improvement.
From time to time you will see me refer to ‘Creating people that…’. It is important to note that we as a world have created the results that we now have. They just didn’t happen without some form of instruction, guidance or influence. When we have children, we as a parent or parents, teach our children various habits and introduce them to various ideas, actions and belief systems. This combined with their environment ‘creates‘ the person that both they become and who we are. We create the people that we are and we can and will create the types of people we want to become and need to be. We will create the necessary systems to help us to do so and we will do it without the traditional force and scarcity tactics that have been traditionally used to bring us to where we are today. Creating win-win solution based systems globally is something that you may very well see during your lifetime. At the least, you can be a witness to and a part of the transformation that gets us there.
It is our wish at WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com, that this e-book/outline and our upcoming e-book/book become an important starting point and part of actually creating the world that we all dream about. Not only do I wish this to be a starting point to creating these results, I wish that it serve to inspire millions of people around the globe to do so as well. Learning how to work better together is something that we will create with our efforts. A peaceful world that works for the majority is something that we will create with our efforts. A connected global community is something that we will create together over time with constant and consistent effort. We will develop the necessary systems to help us create these results.
Brace yourself for the struggles to come while we make that transition from being an ‘I’ oriented world to a ‘WE’ oriented world. We are not perfect, we are human beings and are prone to making mistakes, indulging in behaviors that are unhealthy for us and we tend to be a bit selfish quite often. There will be many struggles along the way and even resistance to what we are trying to achieve but with change comes some discomfort.
The good news is that we can look back in history at some of the past struggles that seemed almost impossible to change and see how we’ve overcome them. We are capable of incredible things when we join together and commit to reaching a common goal. That common goal is to create a world that works for not just the individual, but the individuals. A world that works significantly better for the majority of us.
The burning question that you probably have now is how do these people think they can make this happen since so far nobody has come even remotely close to being able to achieve even world peace? The answer to that question is simple. Our goal is to create a significantly better world together than what we are currently experiencing and have experienced since the beginning of time. Just as one man’s vision was to fly and many more people’s visions were to do something that was once thought as being impossible to do, they made it so, and therefore, so will WE!
All that we ask is that you keep an open mind, genuinely participate as much as you can and give us a reasonable amount of time for us to help make these things happen and do what we set out to do. We’ve had enough examples of how things shouldn’t be done in our word today, now it is time to create the results we want and show an abundance of examples of how things can be well done and yes, it is up to us. Let’s do it together one step and a time. WE are here to help.
Chapter 3 – Areas of focus and key questions
So where do we begin? Let’s start with the WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com areas of focus and key questions to ask below.
-How can we become more adaptable as a species?
-What needs to take place for us to become more adaptable?
Areas of influence
-Parents, family, friends and communities.
-The educational systems.
-Media, the internet and social networking.
-The governments.
-Other influences.
-What systems are failing/not working well?
-What systems can we improve upon and how do we do that?
-What systems are missing and how do we create them?
What systems can we create and implement that will to help us to:
–Become more adaptable?
– Have better quality connections with each other?
– Have a better quality of life?
-How can we use value to work in our favour?
-Why are we still chasing that old carrot?
-How to change the game?
– The importance of becoming and being adaptable.
– The benefits of becoming adaptable.
– How to become more adaptable.
– The world as a system and the systems within those systems. These are the systems that make up our functional/ dysfunctional world. They were created by us therefore we can create what works for us.
– Focusing on what we share in common.
– Teaching win-win as a standard.
– Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes.
The world OS
The large systems of influence:
–The government systems.
–The banking systems.
–Media systems and informational based systems.
-Religious and spiritual systems.
–Working with the systems we can influence.
The family systems
– One of the most important areas to focus on in terms of developing a better world.
– How can we create a better life for families?
– How can we help families develop better?
– Habits and daily routines.
– Priorities.
The educational systems
– A key to developing the kind of world that works for the majority of the people on this planet.
– One of the most significant habit developing training grounds for a child outside of a their home.
– Effective, essential life skills are currently lacking in our educational systems and need to become a fundamental part of the curriculum throughout a child’s/young adult’s educational lifetime.
Communication systems and connections
– A key to significant growth.
– Developing quality, accurate, trustworthy, reliable and effective connections.
– A Huge area for growth.
Values and the value systems
– The key to what drives us.
– They key to what is important to us.
– The key to significant change.
Accountability and transparency
– Developing people that do what they say they are going to do.
– Developing people that communicate more clearly, honestly and effectively.
– Always keeping in mind the domino effect of what our actions do keeping in mind how it affects others.
The concept of ‘WE’
–How to integrate it at the earliest age possible.
– How this affects the family, community and the world?
– How the multiplying affect works for or against you. X1 is the individual.
– Deficit vs surplus.
– Looking out for vs being looked out for.
– Networks of trust vs what we have now.
– Bring it and teaching others how to do the same.
Social networks
Community development
This concludes our e-book/outline.
The full version of our e-book/book will be released at some point in the near future.
Copyright © 2015 by WorldbyWe Inc.
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Together WE will make this happen. Please click here to help us make it a reality!