2015 and 2016 were evolutionary years in terms of breaking ground. We were able to lay the foundation for Worldbywe Inc./Worldbywe.com. and get the ball bouncing so to speak. There were 3 main goals we wished to accomplish;
1. Create and release a free ebook/outline as an introduction to the actual full, step-by-step and detailed plan/e-book.
2. Generate the necessary income that will allow me to complete the detailed full e-book/plan in the least amount of time possible while developing quality connections that will help us to facilitate the development and implementation of some of the necessary tools/help systems by the time the full e-book is released.
3. Reinvest the majority of the full e-book/book sales and other generated revenue back into further development and implementation of the tools/help systems.
Of the 3 goals we were only able to complete the 1st goal which you can find here.
Reiterating our prime objective : WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com was created with a very clear objective in mind: ‘Develop, promote and encourage ideas and actions that will help us to actually build a significantly better world, a world created by us, the masses, the majority of the people on this planet’. A huge part of that plan at its best, is to actually bring to the world, relevant, essential tools, systems and life building skills for free. We did make some progress and we are grateful for that.
2016 was disappointing in the sense that as we moved on to goal #2, trying to connect with some of the influential people whom we admire and believe are making major contributions to humanity, seemed almost impossible.
The disappointment wasn’t in the lack of interest, it was in the lack of feedback. Simply put, there was none. This is a major flaw in our society which WorldbyWe Inc./WorldbyWe.com. will address once things begin to fall into place.
Sometimes the greatest ideas are misunderstood and not properly investigated and/or followed up on. At the most, we need diligent people who are skilled at being able to recognize truly innovative ideas and help these people to connect with the people who can help them to manifest their ideas and at the least, help give them feedback and direction if needed. The obvious solutions are the easiest to recognize. Some of the greatest undiscovered solutions aren’t and we will prove that as we progress.
Moving forward, without the financial support needed to maximize the effectiveness of getting the essential tools, systems and life building skills to the masses on a global level for free, we still need to move forward. That being said, I have decided to continue to work on the ebook until it is completed regardless of my situation. Without help it will take longer but it will get done!
2016 had its challenges affecting our ability to complete the full e-book and bring to fruition the tools and systems we discussed. In 2017 we will:
- Continue with steps 2 and 3.
- Update our blog more consistently.
- Have a separate page with a list of people and resources we wish to connect with.
- Get our t-shirt campaign running.
- Make the necessary adjustments to deliver on our promises.
We wish you all the best for 2017 and challenge you to help create a better world! It is possible and closer than you think!